
The 3-Minute Rule

byBrant Pinvidic

To deliver a major presentation or simply conduct a discovery call, you must engage the audience and grab their very, very small attention span. To do this, as the author states, you must convey only what is necessary in three minutes or less. That’s the 3-Minute Rule. Hollywood producer and pitch master Brant Pinvidic has sold more than 300 TV shows and movies, including The Biggest Loser and Bar Rescue, and he’s developed a simple, straightforward system of pitching an idea that has helped hundreds. The 3-Minute Rule will equip you with an easy, foolproof method to boil down any idea to its essential elements and structure any pitch for its maximum impact. Simplify. Say less. Get more.

Why we recommend this book

Why do we recommend this book?It’s very simple: we use too many words / slides / time to convey our messages … way too many. The most powerful part of our messages get lost in the cloudiness of the not-so-powerful. However, simply providing the advice of “make it shorter” doesn’t answer the question of “how?”. The 3-Minute Rule does. Don’t take it literally – you won’t have to wrap all of your presentations into three minutes, but the system will enable you to do exactly that. If you work this system and are prepared to deliver your message in three minutes, then you will be able to add context without the core value getting lost. It’s also a fun and fast book to read. Enjoy and comment!

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